3 Rubles (The Church of the Sign of the Holy Mother of God (the XVIIth century). Moscow Region, Dubrovitsy Village)
Country: Russia
Denomination: 3 Rubles
3 RUB = 0.048 USD
Year: 2004
Material: Silver (.900)
Weight: 34.88 g
Shape: Round
Diameter: 39 mm
Type: Non circulating coin
Catalog list: russia
In the centre – the Emblem of the Bank of Russia [the two-headed eagle with wings down, lower – the semicircular inscription – «БАНК РОССИИ» (BANK OF RUSSIA)] framed by a circle of dots and inscriptions along the rim: at the top – «ТРИ РУБЛЯ» (THREE RUBLES), at the bottom – the year of issue «2004», the letters to the left indicate the metal sign and the fineness, to the right – the fine metal content and the mint trade mark.
The image of the Church of the Sign of the Holy Mother of God with the date under it in the cartouche «XVII век» (the XVIIth century), lower – the inscription: «СЕЛО ДУБРОВИЦЫ» (DUBROVITSY VILLAGE), the inscription at the top along the rim on the matted surface: «ЦЕРКОВЬ ЗНАМЕНИЯ ПРЕСВЯТОЙ БОГОРОДИЦЫ» (THE CHURCH OF THE SIGNOF THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD).
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