In the centre - the emblem of the Bank of Russia [the two-headed eagle with wings down, under it - the semicircular inscription "БАНК РОССИИ" (BANK OF RUSSIA)] framed by a circle of dots and inscriptions along the rim - on top: "ДВА РУБЛЯ" (TWO RUBLES), below: to the left - indications of the precious metal and its fineness, in the centre - the year of issue "2010 г." (2010), to the right - the fine metal content and the mint trade mark.
To the left - the stylized image of football field, to the right - portrait of E.A. Streltsov, below - a football wit his facsimile signature of , above- inscription along the rim: "ЭДУАРД СТРЕЛЬЦОВ" (EDUARD STRELTSOV)
Related Coins
3 Rubles (2018 FIFA World Cup Russia - Triumph)
Country: Russia / Denomination: 3 Rubles
3 RUB = 0.048 USD
Year: 2018 / Material: Silver (.925)
1 Ruble (Amur Tiger)
Country: Russia / Denomination: 1 Ruble
(1 RUR)
Year: 1993 / Material: Silver (.900)
10 Litres of Petrol
Country: Tatarstan (Tatarstan)
(Russia) / Denomination: 10 Litres of Petrol
Year: (1993) / Material: Bronze
Ruble - Aleksandr III (Coronation)
Country: Russia - Empire
(Russia) / Denomination: 1 Ruble
Year: 1883 / Material: Silver (.868)
5 Kopecks - Nikolai I (ЕМ)
Country: Russia - Empire
(Russia) / Denomination: 5 Kopecks
Year: 1831-1839 / Material: Copper
2 Kopecks - Ekaterina II
Country: Russia - Empire
(Russia) / Denomination: 2 Kopecks
Year: 1763-1796 / Material: Copper
10 000 Rubles (Amur Tiger)
Country: Russia / Denomination: 10000 Rubles
(10000 RUR)
Year: 1996 / Material: Gold (.999)
Ruble - Pyotr I (Moscow Ruble)
Country: Russia - Empire
(Russia) / Denomination: 1 Ruble
Year: 1707 / Material: Silver (.833)
3 Rubles (The European Judo Championship in Chelyabinsk)
Country: Russia / Denomination: 3 Rubles
3 RUB = 0.048 USD
Year: 2012 / Material: Silver (.925)
50 Rubles (The Development and Exploration of Siberia, the XVIth-XVIIth centuries)
Country: Russia / Denomination: 50 Rubles
50 RUB = 0.80 USD
Year: 2001 / Material: Gold (.900)