Portuguese coat of arms next to a flowering plum tree branch. Value and date below.
Ship sailing, map of the island of Formosa which will become Taiwan. The date 1582 is the first stay on the island of Portuguese sailors after a shipwreck for 2 months. The discovery by a passing boat dates from 1542 or 1544. Country name in Chinese and Portuguese.
Related Coins
5 Réis - Maria I
Country: Azores
(Portugal) / Denomination: 5 Réis
Year: 1797-1798 / Material: Copper
½ Barbuda - Fernando I (Zamora mint)
Country: Portugal / Denomination: 1/2 Barbuda = 14 Dinheiros
Year: (1370-1371) / Material: Silver (.250)
Cinquinho - João III
Country: Portugal / Denomination: 1 Cinquinho = 5 Reais
Year: (1538-1557) / Material: Silver (.9166)
100 Escudos (Antero de Quental)
Country: Portugal / Denomination: 100 Escudos
(100 PTE)
Year: 1991 / Material: Copper-nickel
200 Escudos (China)
Country: Portugal / Denomination: 200 Escudos
(200 PTE)
Year: 1996 / Material: Copper-nickel
20 Réis - Maria II
Country: Madeira Islands
(Portugal) / Denomination: 20 Réis
Year: 1842-1852 / Material: Copper
2½ Euro (Marcos Portugal)
Country: Portugal / Denomination: 2.5 Euro
2.50 EUR = 2.92 USD
Year: 2014 / Material: Copper-nickel
200 Réis - Luis I (Countermark over "150 Réis - Maria I; Azores")
Country: Azores (Azores-Real)
(Portugal) / Denomination: 200 Réis
Year: (1887) / Material: Silver (.9166)
200 Réis - Carlos I (Discovery of India)
Country: Portugal / Denomination: 200 Réis
Year: 1898 / Material: Silver (.9166)
Tostão – João III (2nd Type, R-L, Lisboa mint)
Country: Portugal / Denomination: 1 Tostão= 100 Reais
Year: (1540-1555) / Material: Silver (.9166)