Rupee - Wajid Ali (Lucknow mint)
Country: Indian states and kingdoms (Awadh)
Denomination: 1 Rupee
Year: 1263-1272 (1847-1856)
Material: Silver
Weight: 11.34 g
Shape: Round
Diameter: 25 mm
Type: Common coin
Catalog list: indian states and kingdoms awadhindia
Wajid Ali Shah AH1263-1272/1847-1856AD
Parasol above crown, flanked by mermaids holding flag, crossed swords below
Related Coins
1 Falus - Nasir Al-Din Mahmud Shah I (AH 862-917)
Country: Sultanate of Gujarat
(Indian states and kingdoms) / Denomination:
Year: (862-917) / Material:
1 Rupee - Alamgir II
Country: India - British (Bombay)
(India) / Denomination: 1 Rupee
Year: 1167-1168 (1754-1755) / Material: Silver
Punchshi - Fath Shah
Country: Indian states and kingdoms (Kashmir Sultanate)
(India) / Denomination: 1 Punchshi
Year: (1483-1520) / Material: Copper
1 Rupee - Shah Alam II (Nagphani; Transitional mint - Poona)
Country: India - British (Bombay)
(India) / Denomination: 1 Rupee
Year: 1230-1244 (1820-1834) / Material: Silver
1 Cash - Moolam Thirunal Rama Varma VI
Country: Kingdom of Travancore
(Indian states and kingdoms) / Denomination: 1 Cash
Year: (1901) / Material: Copper
½ Tanga "30 Réis" – Luíz I (Mumbai mint)
Country: India - Portuguese
(India) / Denomination: 30 Réis = 1/2 Tanga
Year: 1871 / Material: Copper
5 Rupees (Mother Teresa)
Country: India / Denomination: 5 Rupees
5 INR = 0.07 USD
Year: (2010) / Material: Nickel-brass
1 Trambiyo - Victoria [Khengarji III]
Country: Indian states and kingdoms (Kutch)
(India) / Denomination: 1 Trambiyo
(1/48 INK)
Year: 1938-1940 (1881-1883) / Material: Copper
1 Paisa - Muhammad Ibrahim Ali Khan
Country: Princely state of Tonk
(Indian states and kingdoms) / Denomination:
Year: 1290-1304 (1290-1887) / Material:
¼ Anna - George V
Country: India - British
(India) / Denomination: 1 Pice = 1/4 Anna = 1/64 Rupee
(1/64 INR)
Year: 1912-1936 / Material: Bronze