8 Xerafins - Maria I & Pedro III (Goa mint)
Country: India - Portuguese
Denomination: 8 Xerafins= 4 Rupias
Year: 1782-1787
Material: Gold
Weight: 3.2 g
Shape: Round
Diameter: 17 mm
Type: Common coin
Catalog list: india portugueseindia
King Coat of Arms
Cross of Saint Thomas divide face value and date
Related Coins
125 Rupees (125th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan)
Country: India / Denomination: 125 Rupees
125 INR = 1.85 USD
Year: 2015 / Material: Silver (.500)
1 Paisa - Jafar Ali Khan
Country: Princely state of Cambay
(Indian states and kingdoms) / Denomination: 1 Paisa
Year: 1962-1970 (1905-1913) / Material: Copper
Takka - Ahamad Shah Bahadur (Bhilwara Mint)
Country: Princely state of Mewar
(Indian states and kingdoms) / Denomination: 1 Takka
Year: (1748-1754) / Material: Copper
Fanam - Alamgir II (Later imitation from Southern India)
Country: Indian states and kingdoms
(India) / Denomination: 1 Fanam
Year: (1754-1800) / Material: Gold
¼ Rupee - Mir Mahbub Ali Khan
Country: Indian states and kingdoms (Hyderabad)
(India) / Denomination: 1/4 Rupee
(1/4 INRH)
Year: 1286-1321 (1870-1903) / Material: Silver (.818)
1 Bastardo - João III (Malaca mint)
Country: India - Portuguese
(India) / Denomination: 1 Bastardo =10 Soldos=40 Reais
Year: (1521-1557) / Material: Calain (Asian tin)
¼ Rupee - Alamgir II (for Malabar Coast)
Country: India - British (Bombay)
(India) / Denomination: 1/4 Rupee
Year: (1188) / Material: Silver
1 Paisa - Khande Rao
Country: Princely state of Baroda
(Indian states and kingdoms) / Denomination: 1 Paisa
Year: 1281-1285 (1865-1869) / Material: Copper
1 Kori - Raydhanji I
Country: Indian states and kingdoms (Kutch)
(India) / Denomination: 1 Kori
(1 INK)
Year: (1666-1698) / Material: Silver
3 Dokda - Victoria [Khengarji III]
Country: Indian states and kingdoms (Kutch)
(India) / Denomination: 3 dokda
(1/8 INK)
Year: 1951-1955 (1894-1898) / Material: Copper