Cuban coat of arms, face value below, weight and finess on sides.
5-pointed star in a circle on top, Orbital station Saliut 6 orbiting earth. Date below, circular legends: countries name on top, conmemorated event on bottom.
Related Coins
1 Peso (Cuban Parrot)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 1 Peso
(1 CUP)
Year: 1985 / Material: Copper-nickel
200 Pesos (Bolivar and Marti; Piedfort)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 200 Pesos
(200 CUP)
Year: 1993 / Material: Gold (.900)
1 Peso (Independence)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 1 Peso
(1 CUP)
Year: 2011 / Material: Copper-nickel
1 Peso (5th Centennial of Columbus Arriving in Cuba)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 1 Peso
(1.0 CUP)
Year: 1990 / Material: Copper-nickel
1 Peso (Catedral de Santiago de Cuba)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 1 Peso
(1 CUP)
Year: 1987 / Material: Copper-nickel
1 Peso (Bee Hummingbird)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 1 Peso
(1 CUP)
Year: 1981 / Material: Copper-nickel
5 Pesos (Emerald Hummingbird)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 5 Pesos
(5 CUP)
Year: 1981 / Material: Silver (.999)
5 Pesos (Bee Hummingbird)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 5 Pesos
(5 CUP)
Year: 1981 / Material: Silver (.999)