Cuba coat of arms within a laurel wreath
Value in Roman numerals in circle over a five-pointed star and the motto "Fatherland or Death", date on excergue
Related Coins
5 Pesos (World Cup)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 5 Pesos
5 CUP = 0.20 USD
Year: 1989 / Material: Silver (.999)
1 Peso (Alexander von Humboldt)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 1 Peso
1 CUP = 0.039 USD
Year: 1989 / Material: Copper-nickel
5 Pesos (Carlos J. Finlay)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 5 Pesos
(5 CUP)
Year: (1988) / Material: Silver (.999)
50 Pesos (José Martí; Piedfort)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 50 Pesos
(50 CUP)
Year: 1988 / Material: Gold (.999)
1 Peso (Cuban Volanta Coach)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 1 Peso
(1 CUP)
Year: 1984 / Material: Copper-nickel
1 Peso (Osprey)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 1 Peso
1.00 CUP = 0.039 USD
Year: 2004 / Material: Copper-nickel
1 Peso (Automobile)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 1 Peso
(1 CUP)
Year: 1986 / Material: Copper-nickel
1 Peso (English Albatross II)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 1 Peso
1.00 CUP = 0.039 USD
Year: 1994 / Material: Nickel bonded Steel
10 Pesos (Mausoleum of Halicamas)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 10 Pesos
(10 CUP)
Year: 1997 / Material: Silver (.999)
1 Peso (History of World Expositions)
Country: Cuba / Denomination: 1 Peso
1.00 CUP = 0.039 USD
Year: 1998 / Material: Nickel plated Steel